We offer a range of services all relating to equality both in the workplace and society in general.
As a Community Interest Company, everything we do is aimed at supporting and encouraging employers, employees and local communities to take on board the Equality Act 2010. Currently we are focusing on four main strands:
A service offered to help in the development of the working environment.
Some may want help with recruitment, some regarding reasonable adjustments. Whatever it is we are here to help.
Our medium to long term goal is to provide a network of collaborative partners across the UK. We will work together to provide positive and radical changes in the workplace and society in general for deprived marginalised groups.
Education is the key to success.
Making employers and employees aware of the benefits of having an inclusive working environment will benfit everyone
Building Compliance
This service was established specifically to reduce the number of people loosing employed work.
We find if both sides are better able to understand a specific situation a resolution can be attaine dthat does not mean a person may loose the job.
Along your high street you will notice a large number of shops that are not accessible to all. there is a step in, the door is heavy or maybe the entrance is too narrow?
It is a legal requirement for all providers of service to have an 'anticipatory' duty. This means they have to be prepared to allow access to anyone who wants to use their service,
This is unfortunately not reality. too many people are bared entry as the buildings have not been adapted or planned correctly. Even pre-existing buldings.
Moreover, it also makes a statement that the shop/service provider never intends to emply anyone with an accesibiltiy challenge.
Work with Coucnils to evaluate and detail how highstreets around the country need to be adapted to be made compliant and accesible to all.
Then work with a number of diffrent agencies to make it so. Retro fitting or redesigning spaces to fit the needs of local people.
We will see an accessible environment created which will allow access to everybody. Reinvigorating high streets, enabling employers to employ people from a community once cut off.
Integrating disadvantaged communities around the country, making an impact in peoples lives.
Do you have all the answers?
Well why not ask a specialist. We and our network of friends are a fountain of knowledge ready to to be tapped into. So proably will have the an answer for you.
The training we undertake is not a one off session. One off sessions are pointless. it is what happens after the session that is important. Our aim is to have a realtionshuip with a company to help them progress and keep track of that progress for them.
Employers can appear defensive, in an extremely offensive manner.
This can lead to people losing their jobs.
A major challenge is to stop people with a difference from losing their employment.
It is too easy for people fall out of employment and end up having to apply for a benefit to help maintain an existence.
The number of people who loose employment does not even have a figure due to the numerous ways it can happen.
After your first contact we will work with any company to try and create an inclusive environment. If this requires training then we can supply it, if it requires one to one collaberation then we can supply it, if it requires we mentor individuals to make greater impact, we can do it.
The idea is to create an ongoing relationship. To hold the hand of industry to allow people to see the benefits of inclusivity.
Create an impartial mediation service to help break down the walls that are created in dispute.
Enable employer and employee to find a way through any disagreements.
Gradually deal with unconscious bias. Normalise difference. Enjoy variation.
Create better working environments, reduce ‘sick’ days, increase productivity.
Reduce the number of people who poses an impairment loosing their positions in employment.